Welcome to the main gate of YZU :D
you can walk safely in pedestrian way. but not that safety for me, many dogs around especially at nite, i hate them:(
The logo of YZU.
the left building is IM dept., which is my department. and the right side is MBA dept.
The other logo of YZU? mybe! not sure about this one.. actually we can see some writing in chinese character on the flip side of this stone. i just dont know what it means.
The library and linguistic department.
usually we can see people at the veranda up there doing some painting, but i took the photos so early in the morning today, so no one's there. and we can go up to the rooftop of this..
The main building. OIA (Office of Int.Affairs), ILCC (Int.Language & Culture Centre), electric department, and meeting place for international students.
Favorite scene. I always use this way to walk from the dorm to my building.
Field for football team players and for those who like jogging..
The dormitory.