Rabu, 14 Januari 2015

Sagami Soba Pre Launching Event

9.1.2015 -  I was invited to Sagami Japanese Restaurant pre launching and food tasting event at PT. Gobel Dharma Sarana Karya.

Sagami is a franchise Soba restaurant from Japan. Starting from a small dining area in the city of Nagoya, Japan. Sagami becoming known for specializing in Soba and Udon menu. Now, Sagami began expanding their business to Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. Sagami first branch in Indonesia is located in the food court of Plaza Senayan, Jakarta. According to its plan, Sagami will open five new stores in the Jabodetabek area in the upcoming years.

We all already know of Japanese cuisine such as ramen and udon which are very popular and favored by Indonesian people. Sagami now present to introduce another Japanese food menu, so called "Soba". Soba is one of the authentic Japanese noodles made from buckwheat, wheat and water. Soba can be served in hot or cold soup. The broth of the soup is called dashi, made from aged giant kelp and dried fish. Soba has became one of the daily meal for Japanese. Not only because of its delicious taste, but Soba also contains of excellent ingredients for human body. If you are a fan of noodles and Japanese cuisine, you have to try Soba from Sagami! Only in Indonesia, Sagami serves spicy Soba soup because Indonesian people like spicy food. Later on, Sagami will offer a variety of other Japanese food menu that still comes with the essence of Soba.

Did you know?
Buckwheat contains of excellent amino acid balance, rich supply of flavonoids particularly rutin, more proteins and vitamins than wheat and rice, dietary fiber, and many minerals.

5 Health benefits of Soba:
- Helps keep blood vessel wall young and lowers blood pressure
- Lowers glucose level and is beneficial for managing diabetes
- Reduces cholesterol
- Helps anti-aging
- Helps dieting
What are you waiting for?? Eat soba regularly and get a healthy life! :)

Sagami offered some menu at the food tasting event, such as Green Tea Soba, Yuzu Soba (citrus), Ume Soba (plum), Tebasaki (Japanese version of chicken wings), Tori Karaage (Japanese fried chicken), and Hitsumabushi (Unagi/Grilled Eel on rice).

Food Court 3rd Floor
Jl. Asia Afrika, Senayan, Jakarta
Hours: Monday – Sunday 10AM to 10PM
Twitter: @Sagami_ID


Senin, 12 Januari 2015

Recipe: Choco Chips Cookies

Not a chef, nor a supercook. I like cookies and I found the recipe quite easy, so I tried to bake one. That was my first time baking, taste not bad for beginner :D

150g Flour
170g Butter
100g Sugar, granulated + 50g Brown sugar
1 Egg yolk
135g Dark chocolate bar / 25g Chocolate powder
1 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1/4 glass Whole milk
Choco chips

Whisk, spatula, baking oven

8 cookies

45 minutes

1. Heat milk, chocolate bar, and chocolate powder
Combine ingredients and bring to a boil on medium heat. When the chocolate bar has melted, turn off the heat and wait for it to cool down.

2. Combine egg yolk, butter, sugar, salt, vanilla, and flour
First whisk the egg yolk, put other ingredients, add flour at last, and whisk them together, leaving no dry flour.

3. Add melted chocolate (in step 1) to flour mixture (in step 2), and whisk until they form together.
Notes: Make sure the melted chocolate is not hot anymore, or else the butter will dissolved.

4. Preheat Oven
Heat oven to 150-160 °C

5. Prepare baking pan
Butter baking pan surface thoroughly

6. Form the dough into four 10-cm cookies and sprinkle the chocolate chips.

7. Bake
Place the baking pan into the oven, and bake for 15-20 minutes.


150g Tepung terigu
170g Mentega
100g Gula pasir + 50g Gula merah bubuk
1 Kuning telur
135g Coklat batang / 25g Coklat bubuk
1 sdt Garam
1 sdt Vanili
1/4 gelas Susu cair
Coklat chips

  1. Lelehkan coklat batang dengan susu cair, tunggu beberapa saat hingga dingin 
  2. Campurkan adonan. Kocok kuning telur dahulu, masukan bahan-bahan lain, masukan tepung di akhir, lalu aduk rata.
  3. Campurkan coklat yang sudah dicairkan ke dalam adonan tepung, dan kocok hingga menyatu. Pastikan coklat tidak dalam keadaan panas sehingga tidak mencairkan mentega dalam adonan.
  4. Panaskan oven dengan suhu 150-160 °C
  5. Siapkan loyang. Olesi loyang dengan mentega.
  6. Bentuk adonan jadi 4 cookies berdiameter 10-cm dan taburkan coklat chips.
  7. Masukan loyang ke dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan dan panggang selama 15-20 menit.
Selamat Mencoba :)