Rabu, 24 September 2014

The Taste of Japan Delicacy

January 2014. My friend and I had marvelous days in Japan. 5 days non-stop travel around Osaka, Kyoto, and Tokyo. Wherever I travel I would definitely taste the local food of the place I visited. The fact that as a Moslem there were limited food I can eat doesn't stop me to keep looking for the best food. I could suggest for Moslems whose going to travel around Japan not to eat ramen, curry, and okonomiyaki. Because they use pork in their ingredients. Okonomiyaki originally uses pork belly as its filling. If you can speak Japanese then you can ask to take out the pork before it's being cooked.

Given the limited time, I couldn't specifically go to Halal restaurant. The food listed here were created based on our tripLet's get right to it, shall we?

Fresh Sushi. This is not a new thing. You can find sushi anywhere in Jakarta. But you gotta eat this when you go to Japan. The raw fish taste different, so fresh!

Hakozushi or Osaka-style boxed sushi. This style is less known by the foreigner. Hakozushi style is unique to the Osaka region. All ingredients of Hakozushi are either cooked or cured: sea eel, red snapper, egg omelet, and shrimp.

The Fugu or Pufferfish. Dotonbori district in Osaka is the right place to find this restaurant. Fugu is known as the extremely poisonous fish, yet it is famous in Japan. In fact, Japan gov allow only highly trained and licensed chefs to serve the dish. Knowing this fact, I put aside my worries. I shouldn't have missed this chance while in Osaka. I ended up ordering a plate of mixed sashimi and a plate of Fugu sushi which contains of thin sliced of raw Fugu (the bottom plate in the picture). Raw Fugu is rather chewy, not like other raw fish. Since Fugu is an expensive delicacy, I can only afford this much.

Ikayaki or grilled squid topped with soy sauce. This fast food is quite popular too in Japan. The taste of sweet and salty sauce makes you want to eat more. It also good to eat it with rice. Onigiri rice filled with tuna and vegetables. Takoyaki. All of these I bought at the supermarket nearby when I stayed in Osaka. 

Takoyaki. A ball-shaped Japanese street food snack which is originated in Osaka. It is basically made of wheat flour filled with a tiny piece of octopus inside. Takoyaki is served with takoyaki sauce, green aonori, dried bonito flakes, and sometimes mayonnaise. The taste is similar to okonomiyaki that you can read in my other post. Too bad I couldn't eat okonomiyaki in Osaka because it contains pork as I mentioned earlier. Just like takoyaki, okonomiyaki is originated in Osaka.

Udon. That day, the weather was below 0°C at the top of Biwako Valley. Udon would be the best companion at this rate. Udon is served in a hot broth with thin sheets of fried tofu and kamaboko (a pink and white steamed fish cake) placed on top of the noodles. As I eat it, there's a refreshing after taste from the soup. While eating, I could enjoy the view of Biwa Lake that lies ahead.

Tentamadon in Kyoto. Rice topped with tempura and beaten egg.

Green tea puff bread. The shop is near Ginkakuji temple in Kyoto.

Kyo nama-fu yaki made of wheat gluten. A traditional food of Kyoto, which served dry baked with soysauce. Wheat gluten is more chewy than tofu. The taste is so unique. This becomes one of my favorite dish from all of the foods I've tried in Japan. This food is high in protein which once provided for the monks who are vegetarian. This is often used as meat substitutes or an alternative to soybean-based foods. I once wrote about vegetarian meat substitutes, the version of Taiwan, in my other post.

Grilled salmon. Another healthy food for you to choose.

Tarako cod-roe pasta. Tarako Pasta is certainly a popular dish in Japan. The dish was first invented at a pasta restaurant in Tokyo, when someone made a request for a bowl of spaghetti with caviar in it. Nowadays, there are many restaurants serve this, Sbarro Spaghetti is one of them.

Green tea-vanila ice cream at Asakusa temple, Tokyo. Probably not the best choice in Winter.

McDonalds at Harajuku area. French fries topped with cheese sauce and apple pie with  strawberry-ice cream. McDonald's is another must-taste when you travel abroad because every country has its own menu and style.

MOS Rice Burger. The burger that made of rice instead of bread bun. This one is a vegetarian rice burger contains of carrot, veggies, seaweed, and seasoned with soy sauce.

Kitkat, Tokyo banana, Pocky, and Maxim green tea latte. Japanese sweets and crackers. There are many unique foods in Japan that at the end I brought this much of sweets and crackers back home. Kitkat version of Japan offers a wide variety of flavors: hot Japanese chili, rum strawberry cheese cake, wasabi, green tea, rum raisin, white chocolate, and strawberry chocolate.

Minggu, 21 September 2014

Dessert: Pancious

PANCIOUS. It's pancake and it's delicious. I guess that is where the name came from. As the name of this restaurant, the house specialty here is pancake. They offers sweet and savory pancakes and several other food menu such as salad, steak, burger, sandwich, pasta, risotto, and gnocchi. The place is located within the mall's restaurant row at 3rd floor, near cinema XXI. The interior is dominated by red color with a modern minimalist concept. Yet, the pendant lighting decoration creates warm and classic impression. It is worth to try, as it comes out with reasonably priced food menu.

Pondok Indah Mall 2
Jalan Metro Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan 12310
3rd Floor No.337-338 (near cinema XXI)

Phone: (021) 7592 0606
Hours: 10AM – 10PM
Home delivery: available online
Kid friendliness: high chairs available

Busway stop: Pondok Indah 2

Visit reviewed: 09/2014

When I was in Taiwan, I used to craving for Mille crepes. So when I found this on their menu, I ordered this right away: Strawberry crepes cake (IDR 43k) . The Mille crepes topped with vanila ice cream, strawberries, and strawberry sauce. Mille crepes literally means thousand layers of crepe. It is made of many thin crepe layers with cream in each layer.

Green tea pancake (IDR 40k). So delicate and gentle with green tea sauce and biscuit crumbles.

Fresh fruit cocktail (IDR 58k). Mango juice filled with pieces of fruit. It is served in a glass bottle for 2-3 person.

Chicken tortilla wraps (IDR 58k). A rich combination of sliced chicken, smoked beef, and chicken sausage all in one wrap.

Mushroom risotto (IDR 75k). Spore spread by wind and love to a creamy risotto of mushroom and grilled chicken breast on top.

Kamis, 18 September 2014

Japanese food: Sen Ju Ramen

The place is decorated with Japanese-style. There are indoor and outdoor seating. They also provide tatami seating as in traditional Japanese-style rooms. It is located at the corner of the mall at 1st floor, near the children's play area. So it is perfect for a family with their children to eat there.

Pejaten Village
Jalan Pejaten Raya No.2, 
Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12510
1st Floor (near steak 21 and children's play area)

Phone: 021 - 7813113
Hours: 10AM - 10PM
Home delivery: not available
Kid friendliness: high chairs available

Website: www.senjuramen.com 

Busway stop: Pejaten Philips 

Visit reviewed: 09/2014

Tatami seating

Sen Ju Ramen menu

Okonomiyaki, known as Japanese savory pancakes or pizza. At Sen Ju Ramen, okonomiyaki is served in a hot plate with variety of toppings such as okonomiyaki sauce, mayonnaise, dried bonito flakes, and ebi crumbs. It is made of egg and flour. The additional ingredients of okonomiyaki can vary. The most common ingredients used are cabbage, seafood, and meat.

I like to eat Japanese food with red pepper flakes

I would suggest to try Sen Ju Ramen signature dish: wagyu beef udon or wagyu beef spicy ramen. Most people love to eat ramen. But I personally like udon more than ramen. So I ordered wagyu beef udon instead of ramen. Of several type of Japanese noodles, Udon noodles are the thickest. Unlike ramen, the broth of Udon is light with brown color. The color itself are made from the soysauce. At senju ramen, udon are served with variety of toppings such as tempura, dumpling, beef, and more. 

Another dish I've tried is tempura udon. It is served with a set of tempura shrimp and fried vegetables (onion, eggplant, and sweet potato). It is commonly eaten with dipping sauce and red pepper flakes. 

Moreover, they also have sushi in their menu! Gotta try this the next time I visit.

Jumat, 12 September 2014

Halal Food in Taipei (2): Beef noodle soup

My third review on Halal food around Taiwan: beef noodle soup restaurant. Just like any other beef noodle soup restaurant in Taiwan, it also has peek into the dumpling wrapping open kitchen. It seems to have become characteristic for this kind of restaurant.

 Beef Noodles Restaurant
No. 21, Yanping S. Rd., Taipei City

MRT: Taipei main station / Ximen

Visit reviewed: 09/2013

The halal sign of this restaurant is in front of the place. There's actually another halal restaurant right next to this one. Too bad that I haven't had time to get to that place, and now I've been back to Indonesia. In fact, a post for this restaurant has been sitting in my blog posts draft for several months, until I finally review it today.

So what to order? The good thing is they provide menu in english. But it presents without pictures. It wouldn't be easy for first-time-foreigner to identify what is what without the pictures. For us, we ordered niurou mian (beef noodle soup) which is the main dish here, and fried beef dumpling.

Fried beef dumpling (NT$ 00 each). A little bit too salty in my opinion, but still ok. I would still go to this restaurant for fried beef dumpling, only because I couldn't find it at qingzhen zhongguo niurou guan

Rabu, 10 September 2014

Goes to DIKTI

Setahun yang lalu, September 2013, tepat setelah saya menyandang gelar S2, saya sempatkan diri datang ke DIKTI untuk penyetaraan ijazah luar negeri. Tapi sungguh tidak beruntung saya saat itu, dua kali datang, tapi berkas ada saja yang kurang: pertama datang tidak ada surat keterangan polisi atas SK S1 yg hilang, lalu datang lagi diminta melampirkan tesis dalam bahasa Taiwan. 
Karena tahun lalu saya harus kembali ke Taiwan melanjutkan research untuk publikasi. Jadi sampai saat ini SK S2 blm bisa di proses. Akhirnya, kemarin saya sempatkan lagi untuk mengurus berkas yang belum selesai, berhubung ini adalah salah satu syarat untuk apply PNS (klik dsini untuk info lengkapnya), which is saya tertarik juga untuk apply:) Berikut info dan list berkas yang harus dipersiapkan sebelum pergi ke DIKTI.

Direktorat Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan Ditjen Dikti
Gedung D Kemdikbud Lantai 7

Office Hours: Senin-Kamis 8.30AM - 2PM

Website: www.dikti.go.id

Busway stop: Bundaran Senayan

Sebelum ke DIKTI, Anda diharuskan untuk medaftarkan diri di portal dikti berikut:
1. Register, lalu login ke dalam portal dengan username & password yang Anda daftarkan.
2. Isi form pendaftaran dengan lengkap.
3. Pilih tanggal kedatangan ke DIKTI dan cetak nomer antrian.

Adapun berkas yang perlu dipersiapkan antara lain:

1. Ijazah dan transkrip. 

Jika ijazah dan transkrip asli tidak dalam bahasa Inggris, maka harus diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris yang disahkan oleh Kedutaan Besar Negara setempat atau penterjemah tersumpah. Bagi lulusan perguruan tinggi dari Malaysia diwajibkan membawa ijazah dan transkrip dalam bahasa inggris dan bahasa melayu pada saat pendaftaran.

2. Ijazah dan transkrip jenjang sebelumnya. 

Jika jenjang yang akan disetarakan adalah S1 maka wajib bawa ijazah SMA, penyetaraan S2 wajib bawa ijazah S1, dan seterusnya. Jika jenjang sebelumnya diperoleh dari luar negeri maka harus disetarakan terlebih dahulu. Sama seperti syarat no.1, jika ijazah dan transkrip tidak dalam bahasa inggris, maka harus diterjemahkan dahulu.

3. Surat keterangan selama belajar di luar negeri yang dikeluarkan oleh universitas, seperti surat keterangan full-time student (jika ada).

4. Disertasi (S3) / Tesis (S2) / Tugas akhir atau skripsi (S1) versi lengkap.

Apabila bahasa yang digunakan bukan bahasa Inggris, wajib melampirkan terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris yang meliputi: title page, abstract, dan conclusion.

Untuk kasus saya, saya dapat surat mengenai permintaan lampiran thesis dalam bahasa Taiwan. Jika anda mengalami hal yang sama maka solusinya: buat saja surat pernyataan yang isinya antara lain "dengan ini menyatakan bahwa saya tidak memiliki thesis bahasa Taiwan dikarenakan pembelajaran di sana menggunakan bahasa pengantar bahasa inggris. Berikut saya lampirkan thesis dalam bahasa inggris."

5. Katalog/pedoman akademik di luar negeri pada jenjang yang akan disetarakan.

Katalog akademik berisi tentang kurikulum/program pendidikan yang dikeluarkan oleh Perguruan Tinggi yang bersangkutan dalam bahasa Inggris

6. Artikel ilmiah yang dimuat di jurnal bereputasi internasional atau konferensi internasional (jika ada)

7. Passport dan student visa selama belajar di luar negeri (lengkap selama masa studi di negara tersebut)

Fotokopi yang diperlukan antara lain:
- Halaman data pribadi pemegang passport (termasuk passport lama dan baru, jika anda pernah renew passport selama masa studi)
- Visa pertama pada passport beserta stamp kedatangan di negara tersebut.
- Alien Resident Certificate / kartu kependudukan selama disana.
- Stamp keberangkatan terakhir dari negara tersebut ketika selesai masa studi

8. Surat perjanjian dari sponsor/admission letter dan beasiswa (jika ada).

9. Pas foto ukuran 3x4 (3 lembar)

Basically, itu saja yang perlu dipersiapkan, kecuali ada permintaan tambahan dari tim penilai. Klik disini untuk info lengkapnya.

Selasa, 09 September 2014

Dessert: ROPPAN

ROPPAN - Toast to Happiness

The name "ROPPAN" itself originates from Roppongi, a district in Tokyo. A new dessert concept brought by Johnny Andrean after J.CO donuts and coffee. Johnny Andrean? You might be wondering as Johnny Andrean is renowned for his salon businesses. But Yes. Johnny Andrean group has been successfully expand its business to food  and beverage industry.

ROPPAN. A friendly and quick-service restaurant. A nice place to chill out with some friends, or family, or even for yourself when you need to have 'me time'. 

Pejaten Village
Jalan Pejaten Raya No.2, 
Pasar Minggu, Pejaten Raya, 
Jakarta Selatan 12510
G Floor (main lobby entrance, the opposite direction of J.CO)

Home delivery: phone to 021-7820418
Wifi: available
Hours: 10AM - 10PM

Busway stop: Pejaten Philips 

Visit reviewed: 9/9/14

T-PAN TOAST are served with two kinds of taste: savory (such as crispy chicken, eggs, beef burger, and more) and sweet (such as white chocolate, oreo, black forest, and more). Each IDR 8k. You can save some money if you buy box of 8 for IDR 48k. Fun toast with fun flavors. It's truly toast to happiness.

I would recommend Fruit angel honey toast to cooling off the summer heat. Honey toast with vanila iced cream, choco chip, strawberry, and peach. It is served dine in for IDR 35.909 or TO GO for IDR 30.000.

Matcha matcha honey toast. Honey toast with matcha iced cream and red beans topping.

ROCHA menu. Assorted milk tea with different levels of sweetness and toppings.  

Sabtu, 06 September 2014

Spirited Away & Jiufen

Lately, I was addicted to watch studio ghibli movies collection, which mostly written & directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Berawal dari ketika saya bekerja part-time di perpustakaan Yuan Ze University tempat saya kuliah. Saat itu saya menjaga di bagian multimedia desk dan menemukan film ini. Dan ternyata salah seorang teman juga sangat menyukai film-film karya Hayao Miyazaki dan merekomendasikan beberapa judul, seperti castle in the sky, my neighbor Totoro, princess mononoke, arrietty, dan lainnya. Hasilnya, saya suka dengan semua film studio ghibli dan sudah menonton setengah dari koleksinya.

Spirited away sendiri merupakan film animasi Jepang tahun 2001 yang menceritakan tentang seorang anak bernama Chihiro, yang terhanyut ke dunia yang dikendalikan oleh dewa-dewa, penyihir, dan monster. Dimana orang tuanya telah berubah menjadi babi. Chihiro terjebak di sebuah bathhouse tempat pemandian roh. Dan perjuangannya untuk menemukan jalan kembali ke dunia manusia bersama orang tuanya. 

There's something that you couldn't recognize, that is called Love
Not only love to the opposite gender, but also to parents, family, and others.


This is another story. Pada suatu ketika, seorang teman lain berkata bahwa salah satu inpirasi dari film ini adalah sebuah kota tua di Jiufen, Taiwan. Jadi berangkatlah saya dan teman-teman ke tempat itu. Jiufen (九份). Tidak mudah memang untuk pergi ke Jiufen dari Neili tempat kami bermukim. Tapi dengan modal peta dan bertanya sudah cukup. Sebelum berangkat disarankan untuk cek jadwal bus, train, atau hal lainya lewat internet. Jalur yang kita pilih saat itu kira-kira seperti ini: Neili to Taipei City by train. At Taipei main station, take MRT to Zhongxiao Fuxing (blue lines) exit 1, and take bus route 1062 (Keelung Bus) to Jiufen. The ride from Taipei to Jiufen is about 1 hour and the fare is NT$90. (FYI, we check the route on this blog before we departed)  

The old gold town sebutannya, Jiufen menjadi pusat wisata yang sangat menarik untuk dikunjungi. Salah satu kota peninggalan Jepang di Taiwan. As we arrived, a small alley that was crowded by the people caught our attention. Yes. That is the place. A long alley that is surrounded by the roadside eatery and Chinese lampion. Those lights give warm and charm at the same time. Di tengah perjalanan kami melihat papan sign dan kami putuskan untuk menuju Guanhai Pavilion. Ternyata Pavilion ini juga mirip dengan bathhouse yang ada dalam film. Senang sekali, rasanya seperti dibawa ke dunia animasi Jepang.